Sunday, March 02, 2008

The Moral and Ethical Physician

The moral and ethical foundation of our society has dual personalities: that which the average human being carries and that which is carried by a professional, in this specific case, by a physician.

There is a great amount of conflict as professionals to not make decisions based on our own personal morals and ethics. Instead we have to make a decision as a provider, educator, and a healer. It is our job to provide our patient with the best of our capabilities.

Always keep in mind that when a client approaches you as their physician, they have a level of dependency towards you to help with their illnesses, problems, and/or fears. If we are consistent with our professional moral principles and accepted code of conduct, then act on what you believe to be correct, but always making sure that your patient has the appropriate resources to meet their care.

As the Modern Hippocratic Oath States:

“I will not be ashamed to say “I know not, nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed. I will remember that I remain a member of society with special obligation to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.”

Yenima Martin
UHSA Medical School 2008


cat said...

this is the nice blog, thanks for all the advices you put in...

cat said...

please tell me how to post my blog thanks..

Linda MacDonald Glenn said...

The Hippocratic isn't really used anymore (note the prohibition against surgery) -- now it's the AMA code of ethics that serves as a standadr.

Roberto said...

hi yeni. are you the cuban nurse who took care of my uncle @ Baptit in miami? me gustaria saber como te ha ido en la vida, a mi me ha ido bien, me pienso casar para el ano que viene y me gradue el ano pasado. aveces lo que parece loco en la vida no lo es , solamente algo que no es comun, y nonecesariamente malo...bueno mi email es